
MPTeam Blog

Keeping Your Mind & Body Engaged While at Home

Keeping Your Mind & Body Engaged While at Home

TeaMPT shares tips to keep your body and mind engaged while at home.Move your bodyTry to engage in some form of exercise every day. Have an accountability buddy and make a date over zoom, facetime, or over the phone to do exercises together. Read a bookTake a break...

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Happy New Year from MPT

Happy New Year from MPT

Did you make a resolution to increase your activity this year? Integrating proper warm-ups and cool-downs to your exercise routine is important to help prevent injuries and get you moving at your best.Performing a warm-up before an exercise session helps to prepare...

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Pelvic Health Tips

Pelvic Health Tips

Our pelvic muscles and organs are vital in our everyday function. Below we share four tips to improve your pelvic health.Hydrate. Staying hydrated is vital to our general health. Drinking water helps in the process of filtering out waste through urine and supporting...

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